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Appendix B

Local Areas of Special Character



Local Area of Special Character (LASC) is an important designation to

identify areas, which might be eligible for Conservation Area status at a

later date.


The Borough Council has identified 18 current areas within Kingston

upon Thames, and five of those are within our Neighbourhood Area:


  • 1. Tudor Estate:

  • 2. Wyndham Road/Bockhampton Road:

  • 3. Woodside Road/Chestnut Road/Eastbury Road

  • 4. Borough Road

  • 5. Wolverton Avenue (also partly within Malden and Coombe)


Local Areas of Special Character should be seen as a tool for

development control purposes where an area has a particular

character, which, in the opinion of the Borough Council and

Neighbourhood Forum, is worthy of special protection and possibly

considered for Conservation Area status in the lifetime of the

Development Plan or Neighbourhood Plan.


While local listing provides no additional planning controls, the fact

that a site or area is on a local list means that its conservation as a

heritage asset is an objective of the National Planning Policy

Framework (NPPF) and therefore a material consideration when

determining the outcome of a planning application.


Local Areas of Special Character were originally designated with a

broad brush approach at Development Plan stage in order to give

some protection to prospective Conservation Areas without the need

to carry out lengthy research and consultation inherent in their

designation, as originally outlined in the adopted Borough Plan (1989)

followed by the Unitary Development Plan (1992) and the 2012 Core



The inclusion of an area on the list does not imply that the area will

inevitably become a conservation area, nor that the boundary of any

conservation area that is to be designated should necessarily have the

same boundary as the Local Area of Special Character.

Historic England has a very comprehensive guide to Local Heritage

Listing: Identifying and Conserving Local Heritage (Advice note 7

Second Edition, January 2021).


This provides information to assist community groups and professional

practitioners in implementing historic environment legislation as

outlined in the following sections.


Current Legislation

The National Planning Policy Framework (June 2019)

Section16: Conserving and Enhancing the Historic Environment outlines

the importance Heritage assets are as …… ‘an irreplaceable resource,

and should be conserved in a manner appropriate to their

significance, so that they can be enjoyed for their contribution to the

quality of life of existing and future generations’…...


§185 states: Plans should set out a positive strategy for the conservation

and enjoyment of the historic environment, including heritage assets

most at risk through neglect, decay or other threats. This strategy

should take into account:

a) The desirability of sustaining and enhancing the significance of

heritage assets, and putting them to viable uses consistent with

their conservation;

b) The wider social, cultural, economic and environmental benefits

that conservation of the historic environment can bring;

c) The desirability of new development making a positive

contribution to local character and distinctiveness; and

d) opportunities to draw on the contribution made by the historic

environment to the character of a place.


Planning Practice Guidance:

§ 039-041 gives further information on non-designated heritage assets

where inclusion on a local heritage list is helpful in their conservation

when managing change.


New London Plan (March 2nd 2021)

Chapter 7. Heritage and Culture: outlines the importance of London’s

historic environment as represented in its built form, landscape heritage

and archaeology.


Policy HC1 states that ‘ Boroughs should, in consultation with

………local communities……, develop evidence that demonstrates a

clear understanding of London’s historic environment’.


The policy further outlines that Development Plans should demonstrate

a clear understanding of the historic environment and heritage values

of areas and their relationship with their surroundings to inform

regenerative change by:

Setting out a clear vision that recognises and embeds the role of

heritage in place-making

• Utilising the heritage significance of a site or area in the planning

and design process

• Integrating the conservation and enhancement of heritage

assets and their settings with innovative and creative contextual

architectural responses that contribute to their significance and

sense of place

• Delivering positive benefits that conserve and enhance historic

environment, as well as contributing to the economic viability,

accessibility and environmental quality of a place, and to social



Kingston upon Thames Core Strategy (2012)

The Core Strategy Development Plan adopted in 2012, is a plan for the

future of Kingston and guides development for the next 15 years. It

contains a number of policy themes including A Sustainable Kingston,

which covers policies on Design, Character and Heritage. § 6.76

explains that the Borough Council’s focus and encouragement is upon

heritage-led regeneration, while § 6.77 lists Kingston’s heritage asset

categories, which includes Local Areas of Special Character at point 7.

As required by government, the Borough Council is currently

developing an up to date new Local Plan, which should be adopted

by 2023.


The Borough Council’s criteria for the designation of Local

Areas of Special Character


The Borough Council’s Criteria for Local Areas of Special Character

(LASC) was revised and adopted at the April 2018 Growth Committee

meeting in line with good practice. The amended criteria now requires

the area to have heritage significance as defined by national policy

and Historic England’s Local Heritage Listing guidance note (7),

together with any other relevant architectural, landscape or

townscape quality and interest.


The Royal Borough designates LASCs based on their environmental and

aesthetic qualities. There were originally 26 designated areas, but this

has been reduced to 18 as some are now designated as full

Conservation Areas instead.


The LASC criteria as revised and adopted are:

a. The area must be of heritage significance; and

b. Must meet one or more of the following three criteria:

i. The architecture in the area must be of a high quality,

distinctive and well preserved and may reflect the collective

value of groups of historic buildings with consistent architectural

form, style, features, detailing or materials; the area may include

groups of high quality, distinctive and well preserved

architectures built as an ensemble over a short period of time.

ii. The townscape of the area must be of a high quality,

distinctive and well preserved. The historic townscape and/or the

urban form of the area may have organically developed over

the centuries or may have been planned by design in one or

more stages.

iii. The landscape of the area must be of a high quality,

distinctive and well preserved. The composition, the natural

and/or built features of the historic landscape may have

organically developed over the centuries or may have been

planned by design in one or more stages


North Kingston Forum recommendations for new Local Areas

of Special Character


Based on the Borough Council’s adopted criteria, these

recommendations recognise the contribution made by the historic

environment to our sense of place, and will help to preserve the

character of the neighbourhoods so that they can be enjoyed for their

contribution to the quality of life of existing and future generations.

In 2011, The Borough Council published a Borough Character Study to

support the Kingston Local Development Framework called Kingston –

Towards a Sense of Place. The study identified the essential

components that combine to give Kingston its particular Sense of


For the preparation of the Neighbourhood Plan and Appendix B –

Local Areas of Special Character, we have extended the council’s

character study to include our own research specifically to define

these recommendations more thoroughly. The reports include:


NKForum Canbury Ward Character Study

• NKForum Tudor Ward Character Study

• NKForum Tudor Ward West Character Study


Staunton Road/Park Farm Road (Policy NK7 vi):


Staunton Road, Park Farm Road and the near by streets form a

coherent enclave of late Victorian houses of similar age and quality as

can be seen in the nearby Richmond Road conservation area. The

area’s grid of two and three storey “attic room” houses has uniform red

brick front elevations, complemented with either one storey but mostly

two storey, imposing rectangular or splayed bay window features.

These frontages are capped by front facing gable end roofs that give

the area a regimented appearance that compliments the setting of

the near by listed 'The Keep', part of the historical Kingston barracks

that once existed near by. There have been some “householder”

extensions and loft conversions, which are generally well designed,

and in keeping with the character of the area. There are one or two

newer developments on in-fill sites but again generally respectful of the

scale and character of their neighbours.


Gibbon Road/Richmond Park Road/Burton Road (Policy NK7 vii):


The centre piece of Canbury ward is the Grade II listed St Luke’s

church, a fine red brick building designed by Kelly & Birchall and

constructed between 1886 and 1887 by a local building firm

W.H.Gaze. The church was consecrated in 1889 at a time when

Canbury was considered the most impoverished district in Kingston.

The church and the nearby streets of Burton Road, Richmond Park

Road and Gibbon Road comprise an area of buildings which

together represent a good and generally well preserved example

of late Victorian and Edwardian domestic architecture.


Furthermore, the general quality of building reflects the growing

affluence of the area as the town prospered. The range of building

designs; terraces, semi-detached and villas, and the materials used,

being built of red brick, yellow stock and gaults is testament to the

area’s heritage of piecemeal development that occurred during

this period with a number of different builders involved.


Willoughby Road/Canbury Ave (Policy NK7 viii):


The area is bounded by Canbury Avenue, Deacon Road,

Willoughby Road and extending to part of Canbury Park Road

typifies the character of Canbury Ward during its early development

following the opening of the Kingston Town railway station in 1863.

The 2-storey traditionally brick built, slate roofed, detached, semidetached houses, and named "villas" in groups of short

terraces remain generally well maintained. Whilst the overall form

and appearance is one of uniformity in height there is a subtle

variety in house widths and detailing.


Yellow London stock bricks or white Gault clay bricks are commonly

used for the main front elevations although the facades are now

aged by weathering so as to be almost indistinguishable. Interest is

often added to elevations by use of red brick ornamental string

courses, dental corbelled eaves and red brick quoining.


Single storey front elevation splayed bays are commonplace, with further individuality provided by differences of moulded stucco rendering, stone lintels and cills or brick arches above vertically sliding sash window heads. The front elevation windows are often paired at first

floor or to the larger bays, where there is a variety of means of

separation with stone columns, rendered or fair face brick piers, else

ornamental cast iron mullions used to support twin lintel units at first

floor. Although some houses have been pebble dashed, rendered

or the brickwork painted, domestic alterations and garden

extensions have mostly respected the character of these late 19th

and early 20th century houses.


The area’s most significant individual buildings are the two public

houses. The classic lines of area’s oldest pub, the Canbury Arms,

which opened in 1891, contrasts with the slightly later and more

flamboyant Willoughby Arms, opened in 1896, both fine examples of

late Victorian public buildings. The mature lime trees in Canbury

Avenue are an early example of public area tree planting to

enhance a new development unfortunately several being lost to

storm gales and replacements.


Osborne Road/Windsor Road/Bearfield Road (Policy NK7 ix)


This area is defined by cottage style late Victorian terraced houses

with typical architectural features well preserved. The design of the

houses is generally consistent, with a common theme of London

stock brickwork and slate roofs, except in Osbourne Road where

Gault brickwork is prevalent, with many of the houses having simple

bay windows, creating a distinctive local character.


This small area of workers’ cottages is well contained and extends north of King’s Road as far as the boundary to the Richmond Road petrol station.


The western frontage of the area along Richmond Road includes

two short parades of local shops, adjoining the fine red-brick

Queen’s Head public house, while to the east Thorpe Road neatly

frames this well-defined enclave. While a few of the houses,

particularly in Bearfield Road, have been subjected to rather

unfortunate loft extensions, they are very much in the minority and

the district’s architectural integrity is generally maintained.


Tudor Estate extension (Policy NK7 x)


In the 1930s following Surrey Country Council’s decision to move the

border of North Kingston to include a part of Ham, the builder GT

Crouch bought the land from the Dysart Estate and started to build the

new Richmond Park Estate, later becoming known as the Tudor Estate

– Kingston, and opened on the 17th November 1933.


The core of the estate, defined around Wolsey Drive, Cardinal Avenue

and the northern section of Tudor Drive, is already designated as a

Local Area of Special Character. Within this area the most significant

single building is the Cardinal Public House, built by Hodgson’s,

Kingston’s brewery and acquired by Courage & Co in 1943, which is

thought to have been designed by the brewery’s architect Joseph Hill.

The adjoining Tudor Drive parade of shops adopts a similar style so

creating an attractive focus for the estate.


However the remaining section of Tudor Drive, south of the Latchmere

Lane junction as far as Park Road displays similar architectural and

landscape characteristics and seems worthy of designation as well. It

exhibits the same distinctive “Tudor-bethan” architecture,

characterised by applied “half- timbered” framing on white rendered

brickwork beneath red-tiled roofs, with generous grass verges on both

sides of the street, which creates a defining unity with the rest of the



The building form is typical of the inter-war period, predominantly of semi-detached houses with wide and deep proportions, with some small terraces of 4-6 houses, with the occasional detached house.


The area is of significant heritage value, and is one of the few

remaining town planning examples from this inter-war period. The

entire length of Tudor Drive from the Ham Cross junction to Park Road

reads as one whole architectural and historic town planning

environment .


The landscape is distinctive and of high quality with its consistent green

verges that expand into green mini parks along the route. The

pedestrian walkways are enhanced by the mature trees and bulb

plantings, carried out by the small army of volunteers who treasure this




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