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'The North Kingston Forum is a residents led group working towards the creation of a Neighbourhood Plan for North Kingston. We are non-political, not part of the council and have no links to any developers.'

NK FOrum AGM Tue 30th Apr 2024

Canbury Pavillion. 6:30pm for 7pm start. Light refreshments available

Do you want to be the somebody who has a say over where new homes, shops and offices are built in North Kingston? And how they look? Maybe you want to improve the neighbourhood ? Or protect your favourite local amenities ? Or ensure there are enough new homes for young families?  If so, neighbourhood planning could be right up your street!

Neighbourhood planning is a vital part of the Government's plans to help local communities play a much stronger role in the shaping of their area. For the first time, local people can create a plan that allows them to work with the council to develop planning policies that reflect the priorities of their area and have real legal weight. The whole community then decides at a referendum vote whether the local authority should bring the plan into force.

Nearly 2,000 communities in England have already begun neighbourhood planning and you could now join the North Kingston Neigbourhood Forum. 

So … can you get involved? If you live or work in our Neighbourhood Area which covers Canbury and Tudor wards, sign up to become a member of the Forum now. We have already been recognised by the Royal Borough of Kingston upon Thames​ as a Neighbourhood Forum, we have received funding from both RBK and Locality​ to help us produce our plan and we are currently working hard on producing a Neighbourhood Plan (Plan) for North Kingston.

If you would like a say, please join the North Kingston Forum here:

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